вторник, 21 октября 2008 г.


This is the first time im ever daring to face up to my internal conflicts. Im thankful for everyone around me, who has encouraged me and of course, loved me. (: im not sure how long i am going to focus solely on dance, but im going to make a promise to myself..

just keep the doors closed until 2009.

too much has happened this year, and i dont think i want to risk a third heartache within these 12 months.

well, i cant deny that iapos;ve had more than silly infatuations.. But aiyah, isnt this normal? when you are confused, lost, helpless and all..


but now im even more clear of what i want.


actually�i also not that sure leh. All i know is, im enjoying life as much as i should now and yeah, i can ask for nothing more. Of course, i do feel abit WEIRD�whenever i see couples, but nah.

i dont want to risk anything, yet.

habits are not easy to kick.

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понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Last week, the Congressional Hispanic
Caucus Institute (CHCI), the nation's premier Hispanic educational and youth
Leadership development organization, announced that the Comcast Foundation will
Sponsor three exceptional university students, chosen from a group of 34, through a
$50,000 grant, to participate in CHCI's highly competitive Congressional
Internship Program.

In this its 20th program anniversary,
CHCI is adding a
Unique corporate component

with Comcast's leadership and support
in which the interns will leverage Capitol Hill public policy experience with unmatched
Corporate mentoring through Comcast executives and business operations.

CHCI-Comcast interns will be assigned to Congressional offices on Capitol
Hill for a period of eight weeks, from June to August, to learn first-hand
About the federal legislative process and major issues pending before the U.S.
House of Representatives.

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There are so many face around here itapos;s nice to see new people coming into the city, itapos;s also very fun, I might be able to meet some new friends too There are a lot of people coming to the campus, which is also very good. I-I heard there was a sort of amusement park being built. Kita Land 2.0 I think. It sounds very exciting I want to go when it opens, itapos;ll be a lot of fun. Would anyone like to come with me? Iapos;ll drive <<;;
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Justin stares at his copy of The Monk until the words blur on the page. The book could be considered the 18th centuryapos;s version of a page-turner, but the last thing he wants to be doing right now is reading it or writing a report on it.

He hasnapos;t been able to concentrate since the - whatever that was in Adamapos;s room. It was just a simple - okay, a couple simple kisses. They kissed and then Adam ran away, and Justin has seen neither hide nor hair of him since, pretty much. Itapos;s probably not a good thing that heapos;s had these few days to think about what happened and brood over it. Adam was the one who just dumped all this on him and then bolted. Itapos;s not really fair. You canapos;t just drop this stuff on somebody and then leave, can you? Or can you - Justin cuts his thoughts off and drops his head in his hands. He isnapos;t getting anywhere on this stupid essay.

He tosses his book across the room with an angry sigh and checks his watch. Adam should be here soon, anyway.

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Just a quickie. McCain I think got it handed to him even harder than in the previous two debates, but thereapos;s one thing I want to draw attention to. The moderator posed the question of whether the candidates would ever appoint a Supreme Court justice who disagreed with their own position on Roe v. Wade (the abortion decision). McCainapos;s answer: he would not appoint judges based on ideological grounds, but only on whether they were qualified for the job. Good answer.

...except he then went on to say that a person would not be qualified to be a Supreme Court justice if they agreed with Roe v. Wade.

Well, what he actually said was, "I would consider anyone in their qualifications. I do not believe that someone who has supported Roe v. Wade that would be part of those qualifications. But I certainly would not impose any litmus test." By this, he either means what I think he meant (and, given Obamaapos;s grin at what McCain said, I think he may have taken it the same way I did), or he means that whether or not someone agreed with Roe v. Wade was not a factor to be considered in determining whether someone was qualified.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I am feeling pretty great. All of my midterms are done, and I feel good about them. I feel motivated to get stuff done, and I have several new friendships that are blossoming quite nicely both at work, and outside of work. My room is clean, by bathroom is clean, the dishes are done, Iapos;ve been drinking more water than ever, Iapos;m borrowing the familiesapos; dog either tomorrow or monday, new orleans in one week with awesome people.

I feel in control and Iapos;m enjoying it. Letapos;s see how long I can keep this going.. It feels like itapos;s going to last

now for work.. Letapos;s go make some money
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Failure Alert

I screwed up big time tonight. I�hate myself.I am always losing to food. FOOD, something without a brain. I am always seduced by itapos;s aroma and good looks. I am thoroughly disappointed. I�should kill myself so I donapos;t get any bigger. Or beat myself up everytime I eat. That way I will avoid food and associate eating with pain. Everything is depressing me. I am going to sleep until Sunday. Maybe then Iapos;ll lose weight.


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